Why haven't you come to the castle?! {no edit}
You wretches! {no edit}
What? {no edit}
We're not firing explosion magic at you anymore...
Not firing it at me, you say?!
That's a barefaced lie!
That crazy crimson demon girl
is still attacking my castle every single day!{is still coming to my castle every single day!}
That's not it! Please hear me out!
Until now, I've been able to settle for unleashing my magic on empty plains,
but since I learned the allure of using magic attacks on a castle, well...
Now I need something big and hard, or I just can't endure it.
Don't say that while fidgeting!
Besides, you can't move after unleashing your magic!
Which means you must've had an accomplice...
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
I can't get any worthwhile quests because of him,
so I wanted revenge!
Hear me, fools. My name is Verdia.
This isn't the only thing I'm deeply offended by.
Did you not have the backbone to seek retribution for your ally's death?!
I may be evil now, but in life I strove to be an upstanding knight.
In my opinion,
allowing the death of that crusader, a model knight who
protected her ally and received my curse, to go to waste is simply—
G-Gosh, um...
A model knight?
Huh? What?
Huh? You're...
What's this?
Was this dullahan waiting for us the whole time,
with no idea that we easily dispelled his curse after he left?
That's hilarious! Super hilarious!
I-If I felt like it, I could massacre every inhabitant of this city!
You're awfully cocky for an undead!
Do you think low-level adventurer's magic can—
Turn Undead!
Hey, Kazuma, this is weird! It's not working!
No, it looked pretty effective to me.
He went "Gah!" and all.
Are you really a novice?!
Isn't this city a gathering place for novices?!
F-Fine, then.
There's no need for me to fight you myself.
Undead Knights!
Show this lot a glimpse of Hell!
I bet he's freaked out because your magic was more effective than he expected.
Th-That's not it!
Why should the boss be the one you fight first?
You start with the small fry—
Sacred Turn Undead!
M-My eyes! My eyes!
Wh-What should we do, Kazuma?
My purification magic isn't affecting him at all!
He did go "Yah!" and all. I think it was very effective.
That's enough!
Slaughter everyone in the city!
Call a priest!
Someone go to the church and bring back all the holy water they've got!
Now, let me hear your screams of despair!
Why are they all targeting me?! I'm a goddess!
I've been a good girl every day, too!
No fair!
I've been a really good girl every day, so why?!
Maybe the lost undead are instinctively seeking salvation from a goddess?
Can't you nail that swarm of undead with explosion magic?
But when they're all zigzagging about like that...{But when they're all scattered like that...}
Kazuma-san! Kazuma-san!
You idiot! Don't come this way!
If you go the other way, I'll treat you to dinner tonight!
I'll treat you if you do something!
I can't get rid of them, no matter how many times I use Turn Undead!
Damn, there are too many of them!
Wait a second.
Megumin, have your magic on stand by!
Aqua! Follow me!
What for?!
What an ideal situation!
I'm grateful! I'm deeply grateful, Kazuma!
My name is Megumin!
I am a user of the finest magic crimson demons possess,
and I command explosion magic.
Behold my power!
It appears every last person here has been left speechless
after witnessing my explosion magic.
That felt amazing...
Need me to carry you?
She did it! The crazy crimson demon girl did it!
She's crazy in the head, and so is her name, but she pulls through when it counts!
I see you in a new light, crazy girl!
I'm sorry.
Please remember those people's faces for me.
I'll blow them all away later.
Amusing! Very amusing!
I didn't think you'd actually annihilate my underlings!
All right, then, as promised...
I shall personally take all of you on!
Megumin is out of magic power.
Aqua's magic isn't enough to deliver a fatal blow.
What do we do?
No need to fear!
The city's ace in the hole will be here soon!
Yeah! It doesn't matter if he's a leader in the Devil King's army or not!
The city's ace in the hole?
We can create a blind spot if we all attack at once.
Get him, everyone!
It appears you wish to die first.
Don't go!
Who's next?
Wh-When Mitsurugi-san gets here, he'll slay you in a single blow!
Mitsurugi is...
The guy whose sword I stole and sold...
Then, until he arrives...
This is bad! Seriously bad!
Do you think you can hold out?!
How dare you?
How dare you do that to them?!
Stop, Darkness! Your sword is no match for him!
As one whose calling is to protect others,
there are some matters I cannot concede!
I-I'm sure
you intend to use those strong arms of yours to lewdly torture
and make an example of me in front of everyone!
Try it if you think you can!
In fact, show me what you've got!
Enough of the weird delusions!
They'll get the wrong idea about me!
You're on, Verdia!
It's inevitable that a holy knight would be my opponent!
Oh, come on, now!
You even miss stationary targets? So embarrassing!
This girl is my ally!
What a disappointment.
That's enough!
Darkness, stand down!
A crusader
can't stand down when protecting someone behind them!
That is absolute!
this dullahan is just as shrewd as I thought he was!
He's been shaving away at my armor
a little at a time for a while now.
Instead of stripping me nude,
he's left only parts of my armor intact,
leaving me in an even more provocative state than nakedness to publicly shame me!
Bring it on!
Is this all there is to a shaming by the Devil King's army?!
Hit me some more! Now!
At least consider the time and place!
You freaking hardcore pervert!
Hardcore pervert?
Y-You should consider the time and place yourself, Kazuma!
Taking a beating from a monster in public is already taking everything I've got...
What in the world are you and this dullahan trying to do to me?!
I'm not doing anything!
I'm not doing anything!
Oh, well. You bought me some time.
Create Water!
I don't dislike being treated this way without warning, but...
Consider the time and place.
Th-That's not it! This isn't some weird foreplay!
I'm doing this! Freeze!
I messed up!
As long as it's harder for you to dodge, that's enough.
This is what I was really going for!
That wasn't a bad trick.
This just shows our difference in level.
Now, then, I'll put an end to this farce.
Our opponent is a dullahan.
What would his weakness have been in an RPG?
Watch him closely!
How was he able to dodge my water so adeptly?
A dullahan's weak point is...
An undead monster's weak point is...
As a former knight, I give my thanks to the Devil King
and the false gods for this chance to have a bout with you.
This is farewell, heroic yet foolish crusader!
Create Water!
What are you trying to do, boy?!
It's water!
Create Water!
Stop those attacks!
Create Water!
Create Water!
C-Curse you all!
Hit him! Hit him! Damn!
I'm going to run out of magic!
Hey, what's with all the commotion?
What sort of game are you playing?
Are you an idiot?
This damn girl!
His weakness is water!
Even a lame goddess like you must be able to use one water spell!
It's about time I punished you, you insolent jerk!
I can use flood-class water magic.
You can?!
Apologize for calling a water goddess a "lame goddess!"
I'll apologize all you want later!
Hurry up and do it, you useless goddess!
You just called me a useless goddess!
Just you watch.
I'll show you what a goddess can do!
All my followers in this world,
the water goddess Aqua commands you.
This is...
Answer my request, my prayer,
and show the world thy power!
Oh, no!
L-Let go! You perverted knight!
So abusive...
Sacred Create Water!
Water is—
That's enough! Enough, I said!
What are you thinking?
Are you an idiot?
Are you a complete imbecile?!
Now's your chance, Kazuma!
This time, I'll steal your weapon for sure!
I may be weakened,
but a low-level adventurer's Steal
will never take possession of my weapon!
I'll end this once and for all!
U-Um... Well...
Hey, you guys! Let's play soccer!
Soccer is...
a game where you handle the ball with only your feet, not your hands!
Only your feet?
Whoa! Hey, s-stop it!
Help, help! Stop! Hey, ow! Stop it!
We should be all right, now that he's weakened.
Give him a proper send-off.
Yeah. Aqua!
Leave it to me!
Do it.
Sacred Turn Undead!
Hey, wait!
Darkness, what are you doing?
Saying a prayer.
Sedol, the huge liar who said I was brawny in my armor...
Heinz, who teased me, saying, "Fan me with that big sword of yours!
Hit me with it if you want, but only if you can!"{You can hit me with it if you want, but only if you can!"} {double can?}
And Galil,
who let me into his party for only a single day,
and screamed at me, saying, "Why are you charging into the swarm of monsters?!"
They were all slain by that dullahan.
If I could see them once more,
I'd love to have a drink with them.
It actually bothers you that your sword always misses?
Um, I-I'm sorry.
I'll treat you later.
You're... alive?
For someone as great as me,
reviving fallen adventurers is a piece of cake!
Now you can have that drink together!
I see. Darkness-san has a lot to deal with, doesn't she?
Shh! She'll hear you.
I want to die...
Don't hold back.
We'll keep teasing you like this for three days or so.
Th-This isn't the type of shameful abuse I wanted!
Emergency Quest
Things somehow worked out this time,
but I think I'll lead a leisurely life, without danger, from now on.
I've been waiting for you, Kazuma!
Listen to this!
Darkness is being super stingy and telling me I'm too young to have any!
No, wait, that isn't what I—
You're late!
She's drunk already!
Oh, Kazuma-san, I've been waiting for you.
Actually, I have a special reward for you and your party.
Huh? Really?
Um, why only us?
Who knew you'd defeat a leader of the Devil King's army?
I believed in the radiance within you from the very start.
The radiance within me?
A light that shines on the gates of Hell...
There may have been an old legend like that.
That's right! If you weren't here,
we never would have defeated the dullahan!
Kazuma! Kazuma!
Kazuma! Kazuma!
Kazuma! Kazuma! Kazuma!
In recognition of Satou Kazuma-san's party's achievement,
I award you 300 million eris.
Th-Three hundred million?!
Treat me, Kazuma!
Kazuma-sama, treat me, treat me!
Group meeting!
I have something to tell all of you.
We won thanks to my abilities, so we should go 90/10.
Now that we've acquired great wealth,
I'm going to live a safe and leisurely life.
It's a big problem for me if I can't fight strong enemies anymore!
It bothers me, too.
I'm going to join you, defeat the Devil King,
and earn the title of strongest wizard.
You're going to go back to being a shut-in NEET?
I'm not going to, because I'm not a NEET!
I won't be able to go home!
Nope! I've already made up my mind!
Don't "huh" me, you useless goddess!
Useless godde—
Is it a check? It's a check, right?!
the flood of water Aqua-san summoned
caused substantial damage to the outer walls...
Of course, defeating a leader of the Devil King's army is a big accomplishment,
so I won't insist you pay back the full sum.
I just ask that you pay a portion...
Sneak away...
The reward is 300 million,
and the cost of compensation is 340 million, huh?
Our bloody journey of magic
has only just begun.
Let's go on a quest to take out a profitable, strong enemy tomorrow.
W-We can split the debt into equal parts.
Am I going to spend my entire life
in this irrational world with these hopeless allies?
I gently closed my eyes,
and firmly decided I would kill the Devil King,
in order to escape from this good-for-nothing world.
Episode 7